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Our knowledge transfer tools

We are happy to provide you with a copy of our work, but we ask that you respect intellectual property rights and cite our work appropriately. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Tools and training

Formation infirmières
Téléconsultation et télésanté

10 recommendations for teleconsultation

Patient perspective on continuing teleconsultation after the pandemic

Formation prise de décision partagée infirmières

Training: Better

support shared decision-making!

Through asynchronous training and video vignettes, you will better understand patients' decision-making process and accompany them.


Toolkit: Patient-Reported Indicators of Health Status and Experience

Learn more about the concept and use of self-reported measurement tools. It was produced in collaboration with the Unité de Soutien SSA Québec.

Outil d'aide à la décision gestion de vas

Decision-aid for case management

Available in French and English. Only a preview is available. Please write to us to get the full version!

Femme avec ordinateur portable

Health consultation:
My role as a patient

Patient reminder describing their role and preparation for a consultation with a health care professional.

Groupe de soutien

Patient-reported health
and experience measures

A report written as part of conference 32 of the 88th ACFAS Congress: Issues, priorities and lessons learned for surveys on the quality of primary care from the patients' perspective.


Formation infirmières

Pre Marie-Eve Poitras

Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean

305 rue St-Vallier, Chicoutimi,

Case postale 221, Québec, 

G7H 5H6

T | 418-541-5050
      Sans frais : 1 833 541-5050
      poste 203537

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