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Call for participation in a project for primary care nurses
Participation in a project on the impact of funding models on registered nurses integration in primary care teams.
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A new research grant from CRCHUS - SPOP Axis for Véronique Lowry!
La Chaire souhaite remercier l’axe SPOP du CRCHUS pour son soutien financier au parcours de Véronique Lowry, stagiaire postdoctorale.
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Marie-Eve Poitras is co-principal investigator of a $3M primary care training project!
Pre Marie-Eve Poitras is co-principal investigator of a $3 million project to develop a national training intervention for primary care nurs
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Anaëlle Morin earns her Master's degree!
Congratulations to Anaëlle Morin on her Master's degree and the start of her doctoral studies!
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Marie-Eve Poitras receives a FRQS salary award!
Marie-Eve Poitras récipiendaire d'une bourse salariale du FRQS!
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47,629 from RRISIQ for Marie-Eve and the PaRIS team!
The Réseau de recherche en intervention en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ) awarded Marie-Eve the amount of $47,629 for the...
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