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Marie-Eve was in Alberta to share the team's expertise on PROMs and PREMs indicators!


Professor and Chairholder Marie-Eve Poitras attended the 7th annual meeting of the Alberta PROMs and EQ-5D Research and Support Unit (APERSU), held last week in Edmonton. There, she presented the Quebec reality of implementing health and care experience indicators in clinical practice (PROMs and PREMs).

Her professional outing also included a stop in Calgary for the 30 Years of ISOQOL: Quality of Life - making it a relevant conference, where she took part in the poster session featuring the results of the PaRIS project's Environmental Scan, which also focuses on PROMs and PREMs.

She emerged inspired and motivated, sharing her passion with other key field members. Projects will be enriched!

She also took the opportunity to recharge her batteries and to explore this magnificent host province.

Here are a few photos of her stay.

(Photo credit : Marc-Michel Lavoie)


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