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SSHRC awards first scholarship to master's student Cloé Beaulieu!

The Chair would like to extend its warmest congratulations to Cloé Beaulieu, one of our team's research professionals and a new student in the Master's program in Health Sciences Research under the direction of Pre Marie-Eve Poitras and Pr Christian Rochefort, for her very first scholarship! This $17,500 scholarship is offered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

The scholarship will support the completion of her master's project: "Analyse des stratégies d'adaptation employées par les infirmières pendant la crise sanitaire en fonction des trajectoires professionnelles". This is a sub-project of a larger initiative of the Chair, which you can consult via the following link:

Congratulations, Cloé, on receiving this award, which underlines your efforts and the quality of your work at the start of your academic path! We're so proud of you!

Cloé Beaulieu est récipiendaire d'une bourse du CRSH.


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