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Our team wins FRQS vulgarization contest!
Their infographic describes how the patient experience supports improved organization and quality of care.
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Anaëlle Morin receives FRQS funding for the next four years!
This 4-year grant will enable developing and validating an instrument to measure nursing practice in FMGs.
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National accredited training launched to enhance primary care nursing practice!
Enhance your skills and knowledge in primary care with our exclusive training program designed especially for you!
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SSHRC awards first scholarship to master's student Cloé Beaulieu!
The $17,500 scholarship offered by the the Canadian Institutes of Health Research will support the completion of her master's project.
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The Chair team visits Newfoundland for a crucial summit to the future of primary care in Canada.
The aim was to develop a consensus document detailing a national plan to enhance the role of FMG nurses.
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Triple bursary for knowledge transfer!
This grant, worth $1,500 per student, is awarded to cover the cost of presenting their results in San Francisco NAPCRG conference.
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Chair students featured in the very first edition of La Revue Hippocrate numérique!
The article details the values that led to the Caf'Échange, as well as the interdisciplinary strategies put in place to ensure its relevance
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Anaëlle Morin's Master's article published in BMC Primary Care!
This article stems the Effect of the patient Trainer in family medicine group nursing practice.
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Chair students on the road again for NAPCRG 2023!
Véronique, Marie-Eve and Anaëlle were in San Francisco for the world's largest primary care research conference.
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Marie-Eve was in Alberta to share the team's expertise on PROMs and PREMs indicators!
Pre Marie-Eve Poitras returned from the conference inspired by the opportunity to exchange PREMs and PROMs expertise.
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Call for participation in a project for primary care nurses
Participation in a project on the impact of funding models on registered nurses integration in primary care teams.
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A new research grant from CRCHUS - SPOP Axis for Véronique Lowry!
La Chaire souhaite remercier l’axe SPOP du CRCHUS pour son soutien financier au parcours de Véronique Lowry, stagiaire postdoctorale.
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Marie-Eve Poitras is co-principal investigator of a $3M primary care training project!
Pre Marie-Eve Poitras is co-principal investigator of a $3 million project to develop a national training intervention for primary care nurs
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Anaëlle Morin earns her Master's degree!
Congratulations to Anaëlle Morin on her Master's degree and the start of her doctoral studies!
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A quintuple of MES scholarships totalling $176,000 for the Chair students!
A quadrupling of MES scholarships totalling $137,000 for the Chair students!
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Marie-Eve Poitras receives a FRQS salary award!
Marie-Eve Poitras récipiendaire d'une bourse salariale du FRQS!
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47,629 from RRISIQ for Marie-Eve and the PaRIS team!
The Réseau de recherche en intervention en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ) awarded Marie-Eve the amount of $47,629 for the...
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